SummerHacks is a 12-week long summer hackathon that you can compete in from your own home! You can either apply with a team (1-4) or we will begin team matching once you are accepted. Each team will be paired with a mentor (someone in industry, a professor, an experienced upperclassman, etc.) who your team will meet with every week to check in and to help your team out with any questions y'all may have. Throughout the hackathon, we will have various events (think panels, online game days, talks etc.) for both social and professional development. At the end of the 12 weeks, you will create a video demos that will be judged with the opportunity to win prizes.
Weeks 1-6
May 26th: Opening Ceremony and Begin Hacking!
Week 1: Project Forming and Team Matching
Week 2: Submit design document, assign roles
Weeks 3-4: Work on projects, mentor 1:1s
Weeks 5-6: Work on projects, mentor 1:1s
Week 6: Midpoint Review!
Weeks 7-12
Weeks 7-10: Work on projects, mentor 1:1s
Week 11: Finishing touches
Week 12: Presentations, feedback/review, and prizes!
Aug 16th: End
This event is open to all students over 18 years of age, including students in high school and undergrad/grad students from other universities. All levels of experience are welcome! Beginner? No problem! We'll have mentors and workshops to help you develop new skills. Interested in learning something new? We'll have plenty of people to help teach you how to make an impact right from your own desk!
*Due to University restrictions, we can not accept applications under the age of 18, unless you are attending UT Austin this fall. Please check out this link for other summer resources, and we hope you will consider us in the future!

We will have 6 categories for students to submit their projects towards. If your project fits into multiple categories, you can certainly submit to more than one. The top project in each category will receive a prize for every team member! The categories are Education, Social Good, COVID Relief, Economic Relief, Entertainment or Social Media, and Health/Medicine.
We're a group of UT Austin students who love organizing hackathons for college students. We also love going to them. If you enjoy both of these, you should apply to join our team when applications open in December! Applications will be posted on our Facebook page. Need to reach out to us for any further questions or want to work with us for the next event? Email us at [email protected]!
To embrace inclusivity, all participants are expected to follow MLH's Code of Conduct to faciliate a safe space and a positive hackathon experience for everyone!
How do teams work?
Teams can be up to 4 members. If you don't have a team, check out our Facebook group. Joining a team of new friends is the best part of a hackathon. We will have team matching available for everyone on the day of the event, but if you would like to message in our channel and create a team beforehand, that's okay too! We will have a spreadsheet to fill out and confirm team information.
How do I volunteer at SummerHacks?
Simply email us at [email protected] to see how you can get involved! We are in great of need of mentors to coach teams throughout the process, and anyone with tech experience is welcome to help out.
How much money will this cost me?
Zero. Zip. Zilch. Nada. Nothing. Gratis. It's free. Freetail Hackers will provide all students with mentors, tech talks, and prizes!
What do I wear?
Whatever you normally wear at home!
Any rules?
All work must be done during the 12-week period of the event. You can't demo something you didn't build. Don't talk about Fight Club. All attendees (hackers, supporters, mentors, volunteers, etc.) must abide by the MLH Code of Conduct.
Where is SummerHacks 2020?
SummerHacks is hosted in the comfort of your own home.
When is SummerHacks 2020?
It'll be May 26th to August 16th!
When does registration close?
Registration closes on May 22nd, 2020, so make sure to apply before then! We also do rolling admission, so the earlier you apply, the more likely you are to get in!
Will there be prizes?
Yes! We plan to give prizes to the top placing team in each category. More information coming soon!